Thursday, March 3, 2011

Port Elizabeth... getting ready to ride

Arrived last night in Port Elizabeth from where we begin the riding part of the Garden Route.
This morning unpacked the bikes and got them ready for action. So far so good as with a little assistance and David's experienced eye, not to mention Mark G's continued misfortune with bike tubes, everything looks in order.
The original plan was to go for a 20km spin to wake up the legs but as it was raining we decided to give the spin a miss. Not really a problem as we had the Addo Elephant Park visit planned in the afternoon so we weren't short of interesting things to occupy ourselves.
During many of our training rides we ventured up to Kinglake only to experience a sudden drop in temperature followed by sleeting rain, which is no fun when coming down a narrow slippery road.
Mark G constantly reminded us that it was dealing with the South African heat that we should be training for instead of freezing our butts off. Well all I can say is that Antarctic style training looks like time well spent as the local forecast is for rain and headwinds.
The current plan is to get up early and on the road before the winds rise.
Only a modest 90km tomorrow so all should be good.


  1. Hi just joined your blog. Great to read of your adventures so far. Hoping all the pre-trip preparation is now paying off.

  2. Safe riding guys. Here's a bonus safety tip - keeps your hands on the handlebars at all times (ask Alan!)
